© 2019 Boulevard Studios LLC

Residential Design

Orange, Ohio

Boulevard Studios was engaged to design this new residential landscape and take it through a lengthy approvals process. Under the heavy scrutiny of both the village’s Planning and Zoning Board as well as the homeowners’ association’s engineers and landscape architects, the design had to comply with two separate sets of stringent requirements—all while developing an outdoor living space that would suit the needs and vision of the homeowners.

The lot is situated on a very visible corner in its subdivision and thus the landscaping had to enhance the home on multiple sides, some which lacked architectural detail. Screening particular windows was also important to the homeowners who felt rather exposed to cars’ headlights and neighbors’ views from within the home. The solution was the create a meandering pathway that would connect from the formal and tidy front yard to the back patio. The pathway passes naturally through planting beds filled with flowering shrubs and perennials and a large spruce intended to provide the screening and vertical interest needed on this side of the house.

At the back yard, the pathway is met by a large patio overlooking a ravine. The topography here, coupled with very recent rough grading, meant that the project had to be carefully designed for long term stability. The landscape contractor was brought on early to help determine the best imported soil type and wall product. Likewise, consultation with product reps for the retaining wall block set the stage for a hardscape that would stand firm, even as the dust settled around it.